I don't even know where to begin with this book. It is like a humungous sardine tin rammed full of literary genres, crazy characters, emotions and wonderfully surreal illustrations.
Translated f

Each of Bluebear's 'lives' could stand alone as an individual story but it is not until the final few chapters of the 704 page tome, that you realise the threads have all been leading towards the ending. Characters that you had forgotten 400 pages ago suddenly reappear to the aid, and occasionally chagrin, of the protagonist. The entire text is broken up at intervals by the Professor Nightingale's Encyclopedia of Zamonia which, at first, makes for slow reading. You get used to this, however, and soon find yourself waiting for the next information download from Bluebear's teacher. Moer's sensational writing is complemented and added to by his completely surreal illustrations throughout the text. If you are left with any doubt after his introductionof a new character or setting, the accompanying illustration will make it almost jump off the page.
Do not be put off by the size of this book. It is a world waiting to be delved into, and does not disappoint. There are some truly inspired characters and situations portrayed in the book, and some very definate laugh-out-loud moments.
My rating: ***** 5 stars
Recommendation: Try not to put this book down between reads. Get stuck in and refuse to come out!
Other books by the author: Rumo, The City of Dreaming Books, The Alchemaster's Apprentice, A Wild Ride Through the Night
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