Twilight is everywhere. Robert Pattinson is everywhere. There really is no escaping the hugely unprecedented fan following that this movie franchise has generated. And that's what it is becoming - a big bucks franchise. Sad.
Whilst browsing film blogs (a faultless work avoidance tactic) today, I stumbled across a rather ugly rumour weed. The worst part about this hazy e-speculation is that I think it may be true. Brace yourselves.
They are going to make The Twilight Saga: Eclipse in 3D.
Yes, 3D. In IMAX cinemas.
Let me first express my sadness that this is obviously a shameless attempt to follow the latest money making film fad. Secondly, that my excitement about the 3rd (and my favourite) story being brought to the screen has been completely shattered by this horrendous turn of events. And finally, that any shred of respect that Stephanie Meyers's books have left after the somewhat clumsy delivery of New Moon will probably be lost forever. Trust me, it's hard convincing a lot of my 20-something friends to read these books. One glance of the super shiny, special effects, indie music, sultry glances and "now all in spectacular 3D" will kill all of my efforts.
Don't get me wrong, I think 3D is a great and exciting innovation used excellently in Disney's Up, for example. Not for this movie though. Please, no. Will it stop me from going to see the film? Probably not, no. I will sulk for a while and then go and watch it in 2D because, despite this latest profit-mongering manoeuvre, I am desperate to see the Cullen family brought to life more. That will be all. You can keep your 3D vampire-werewolf battle sequences, Summit Entertainment. I'm sticking with the old school.
**Update 3rd January; Apparently they are also releasing the next installment of Harry Potter - The Deathly Hallows Part 1 - in IMAX 3D too. Now I just don't know what to think!!**
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