This news hit me like a punch to the gut. Someone so young, and just beginning to show some real, amazing talent. It reminds me of the tragedy of Brandon Lee and River Phoenix. And it makes me wonder why it happens. Could they really all hide how they were feeling from those closest to them?
Ledger is most famous for his career turning role in Ang Lee's Brokeback Mountain (2005), which saw him nominated for an Oscar. However, he is much loved for his parts in A Knight's Tale (2001), Monster's Ball (2001), The Patriot (2000) and 10 Things I Hate About You (1999). If you're familiar with any of his performances, you'll know that he was a young, good-looking guy who was about to become a truly brilliant actor. And that's what he'll always be. Heath, his raggedy blonde waves and dimpled grin will be immortalised.
It's been said that Ledger was suffering from insomnia since his most recent roles as Bob Dylan in I'm Not There and the Joker in The Dark Knight, which is due to be released in cinemas this summer. This might explain the sleeping tablets found in the bedroom alongside his body. But speculation will not bring any peace, resolution or answers. Despite having split from his girlfriend, Heath seemed to be completely in love with his 2 year-old daughter, Matilda, with no sign of wanting out.
We may never actually find out what happened to Heath. And we'll certainly never find out what was going through his mind on Tuesday afternoon. But he will be sorely missed by his family, and his detached but still genuinely mourning fans. Just because he's a movie star, his death is front page news, cameras surrounded his house and people crowded to pay their respects. It does not make him any less human, nor the event any less terrible.
Hollywood loses another young talent. Perhaps people ought to stop laughing about the exploits of our celebrities and their messy lives. These are the ones who are crying for help. Sadly, so sadly, Heath did not.